Plant Based Mum Blog

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Starting Solids - Homemade Purée Recipes

My baby boy has recently turned six months old, and we are excited to be starting his journey with solid foods. 

Here are some of our favourite recipes for baby’s first foods:  

Sweet Potato, Parsnip and Cauliflower Purée

Wash and peel the sweet potato, cauliflower and parsnip, and chop into very small pieces. Steam vegetables until well cooked (by steaming them you are keeping as many of the nutrients in as possible). Once cooked, add to blender and blend until smooth. You can add a little breastmilk before serving to ease baby’s transition too - and for more nutrient and immune boosting power. Serve cooled. 

Broccoli, Spinach and Carrot Purée 

Wash broccoli, spinach and carrot well. Roughly chop broccoli and carrot into small pieces. Steam broccoli, carrot and spinach until cooked. Add to blender and blend until smooth. Again, you can add a little breastmilk to the pureé if you desire. Serve cooled. 

Apple, Banana and Avocado Purée 

Add chopped apple, banana and avocado to a blender. Blend until smooth and serve. 

Bon Appétit!
