Plant Based Mum Blog

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Nature Play May - The Importance Of Outside Play

It’s Nature Play May!! Here at Plant Based Mum we are massive fans of getting out in nature and experiencing outdoor play!  

Children of all ages just love running around outside in the fresh air - exploring in the leaves, climbing on big branches and rocks, and playing with the sticks on the forest floor. Playing outside also provides some exposure to the sun, resulting in a boost of the much needed Vitamin D (of course, it absolutely goes without saying that it is always important to wear sunscreen, put on your hats and to be sun safe when playing outside).

Children naturally love to run around and explore the outdoors, which makes it the perfect way for them to get exercise and be active - and all that exercise can help to build their gross motor skills, strengthen their heart and lungs, and improve balance and posture. Outside play also provides endless opportunities to get creative, to use their imagination, to socialise with other children, and to foster their curiosity for nature and the environment.

Here are some of our favourite outdoor activities for the family: 


We love going for walks! Whether it is a brisk walk around our neighbourhood with the pram and our puppy dogs, or exploring different parts of Victoria on foot, a nice walk is always tops our list of favourite family activities. A good walk can improve cardiovascular health, reduce your risk of heart disease, improve your pulmonary health, boost your circulation and increase your overall fitness. Walking is one of the best ways to get active with your family, to take in the sights, and to explore different (or much loved) areas - and you never know, you may even find some new treasures on the way! We share some of our favourite walks in Melbourne on the blog.

Outdoor Playgrounds 

Our favourite playgrounds are outdoor playgrounds. Fresh air, sunshine, and plenty to explore. Outdoor playgrounds promote health and wellbeing by allowing your children space to roam without being cooped up inside an air-conditioned building (because the spreading of multiple germs is never fun!). Some of the best fenced outdoor playgrounds can be found in the east side of Melbourne, and there are also a few great picks across the south, north and west sides of Melbourne too. We share some of our favourites in older posts here and here on the blog.

Farmers Markets

Farmers Markets are another way to enjoy the great outdoors with your family. They make for a fun, inexpensive (well, depending on how much produce and food you purchase!), weekend adventure. There’s so many plentiful farmers markets across Melbourne and the wider suburbs of Victoria that you could visit several every weekend of the year! Some of our favourites are listed here and here on the blog.

Enjoy your time in the outdoors!! 
